Monday, April 12, 2010

Cappuccino Eggs

It WAS the weekend. And one can enjoy weekend mornings for the simple idea that you might have the chance to do something you want to do that day. It also means eating DANK BREAKFAST FOOD. And usually at a time of day that's really too late for breakfast. It's the best.

First of all, let me warn you that this is was really a me-food creation. I made it up from the edible things in my kitchen, and it's me-sized (meaning it can fit in a cup). So in the event that you can't conjure up 1 week old black beans on the spot, I won't be offended if you just read this post for entertainment. Here's the backstory: I make beans dry, from a bag. This requires soaking and much boiling before you can eat them. (Turns out there's a certain suspect suger polymer, Oilgosaccharide, in beans for which your body has no enzyme to break down. It WILL turn you in a green house gasser if you don't allow it to leech it out somewhat through soaking.) Ok, long story short, making them is a process, and I like to do it as little as possible. Hence, there's usually a tupperware of beans living in my fridge at any time.

They were perfectly fine of course, but I decided to throw them in the oven and bake them just in case. For about 15 minutes I heard screams of anguish from inside the oven as any undercover germ burned to its death.

Without further delay, I give you the cappuccino concoction:

From Amanda's kitchen you need:
  • Two eggs
  • 1 week old black beans, baked again
  • 2 Tbs of flour
  • 1.5 Tbs honey
  • Scallions from the farmer at the market who thought you were the girlfriend of the guy that just happened to walk up to the table at the same time. At which point an ex-hippy also walks up to the table in shades and pulled back hair muttering something about the cabbage plant called 'poke' sitting pitifully in a watery bin in front of you. How there was this song from the 70's about poke salad, etc. "Yeah, for awhile.... that's all they ever sang about..... poke." Turns out he wasn't making it up. So we all stood there, me, my insta-boyfriend, and the ex-hippy, learning about poke from the farmer. I'm glad things finally came full circle for that hippy.... 40 years later.
  • Water
  • Salt
  • Shredded Cheese, whatever kind you like with eggs
I used a little glass cup to make them (thanks Aunt Mim!), but I'm sure you could improvise in size and shape to whatever you have. Normally I'm all about the rules when it comes to baking.... but not today.

  1. Mash up the beans however you deem best. I mashed them with a pestle and mortar
  2. Stir up 1 egg yolk with the honey in a bowl
  3. Add the beans
  4. Add the flour
  5. Add a little pinch of salt
  6. Mix and mash
  7. Spray your choice o cookery with some Pam, or Paula Deen it with animal lard... however you like
  8. Put the bean mixture in the bottom about 1/2 inch thick. You're trying to form a kinda of crust for the bottom of the cup.
  9. Put it in the oven for 15 minutes
  10. Meanwhile, beat remaining 1.5 eggs in a blender on high with two splashes of water, so that the whites get foamy like bath bubbles. Who didn't just get the visual of a kid putting a handful of suds up to his chin?
  11. Pour a splash of half-and-half, or heavy cream, or mmm, maybe even butter cream over the 'crust'. See below.
  1. Pour the egg mixture right on top. Pour it like you would pour a cappuccino. Even if you've never done this, you've know you've seen a barista do it at some point. Let the heavier, yellow-er, liquidi-er part flow out from under the egg foam into the cup. Spoon in some egg foam. Let it settle a little, and pour in more liquid. Then more foam. Do this over and over again until it doesn't seem safe anymore. (Meaning just until you think you're going to spill over.)
  2. Now for the most wonderful part... the scallions. It was a beautiful day in Philadelphia, and this amazing pink flowery tree grows all the way up to my 3rd floor deck. There's a chance I just did this whole post to show off my neighbor's tree.
  3. Sprinkle them on top.
  4. Put in the oven immediately
  5. Bake for 40 minutes (aka forever)
  6. Put some foil over top, because it's taken way longer to bake than you thought it would, and the top will burn from this point forward if you don't
  7. Take it out at 6o minutes
  8. Sprinkle some cheese on top.
  9. LET IT COOL. I ruined half of this cup by trying to eat it too soon. All I could taste was hot.

And there it was... the cup of breakfast that came around noon. For being so small, it was very filling and delicious. The mix of the semi sweet crust with eggs is offbeat enough to give the whole deal a much different taste. It was super heavy, but really didn't have much fat or flour in it, which made for easy digestion. Black beans are slowly becoming my newest favorite ingredient that wears many hats. You'll understand what I mean later. (hook!)

P.S. Did I mention this is a raw-foodie's nightmare? Black beans baked not once, not twice, but three times! Intolerable!

1 comment:

  1. the entire post was certainly worth the photo of the magnificent , what I think looks like a, cherry tree. Wow - lucky girl. And the scallions look beautiful also!
