Monday, February 28, 2011

The Great Apple Sauce Give-Away

(See bottom to win a free jar)

Howdy. I attempted to make apple jelly. So I bought a bunch of apples. About 12 apples. I ate half of them the following week, had to buy more apples the next weekend, and then started making jelly. I used York apples (on right) and Fuji apples (left). I bought them from the Fair Food Philly stand in Reading Terminal Market. (read: from a local farm)

I cut up the apples. I ate some of the cores. Bonus!

Then I grated the peel of an orange, and measured out a teaspoon of cinnamon and about 8 cloves. Then I put them on this shiny metal hexagon for your viewing pleasure.

Well, in order to make apple jelly, you have to make apple juice first. So I put the apples and spices all in a big pot with some water, and boiled the apples until they were soft and floating in juice. Then I turned off the heat, and ran an errand. But when I came back, something wasn't quite right.

I mashed it around in a strainer for a bit, watching little drops of juice fall into a pan. And as I mashed, it dawned on me that it looked a lot like apple sauce.

Donde esta 'apple juice'?

Hey, life is full of unexpected surprises. I wanted some jelly for my toast, but there was no going back at this point. I guess when life gives you apple sauce, can it!

So I did.

Free give-away: See that little tiny jar on the right? I want to share with you how awesome local, fresh produce can taste without any additives other than some spices. I am willing to send to one lucky person -free of any costs or commitments whatsoever- this oops baby jar of applesauce. It's safely preserved through the canning process, so it can be shipped with no worries about spoilage.

I'll send it to the person who can find the funniest Google search auto fill-in phrase that begins with common words like "and" "if" "how", etc. Submit your entry by posting the link to your search in the comments section below.

For example, I typed "if you want t" in the google search bar.... and one of google's suggestions was this Ready? Go!



  2. oh is that not a link? it is supposed to be, "how to get free applesauce" (it tried to drive me towards, how to get free apple products) i also liked "how to train your dragon" and "and are mrna codons for phenylalanine" which I have no idea what that means but you may.

  3. "why can't i o" gives me "why can't I own a Canadian?":,or.&fp=420c726e2617ce1d

  4. I searched "and by t" and got this

    You'll have to see it and judge if this video for the Miami Dolphins is apple sauce worthy. Oy Vey! Actually, I think I'll go back to google and search Oy V and see what I get. Haha

  5. ok so if an apple a day keeps the doctor away how many mini jars of applesause will it take to get rid of ming

    Cant is the cancer of happen

  6. how can macromolecules be detected in foods


  7. Well, I believe I will close this little hot item give-away. Mom, you are the winner. Not because I'm cheap and want to save on shipping. But not in a million years would you have every watched or sent me that horrendous video of a t-pain song with scantily clad women. So you win.

    Julia, sorry, you were a close second with 'how to train your dragon'... but it wasn't your official submittal, so.... womp.

    Next time.

    Next time I'll give away cookies and see how that goes. Later folks! Thanks for reading my blog!
